Tuesday, August 12, 2008

American Idol 2008

After a few years EVERYTHING becomes predictable and boring, if conscious efforts aren't put into re-invention. Such is the story of American Idol, in a nutshell. However, let's give due credit to the young blood that spills itself on the grand (yet trite!) stage of American Idol every year. Performers this year are far from exciting and hardly charming. Barring David the Rocker, Jason the lounger, Brooke the pianist and Michael the Aussie ! I find myself taking frequent snack trips to the kitchen, attending nature's calls liberally and switching channels during the show. Need I say more? Oh yeah, the proverbial Judges! Out of Randy, Paula and Simon - the only tolerable fellar is Randy the Dog! Paula is known to be speech-impaired and brainless, well the brain department is consistent- she's as mindless as ever, though her speech has only woresened - the woman can't even deliver one sentence properly, and mind you the sentence is only three words "that....was.....soulful...."! Simon's candid and merciless coments only evoke yawns (I must mention that I used to like him the best once upon a time!). Randy was normal earlier on, he still is - so apparently normal is in! We all have our favorite contestents, I do too. I hope Michael wins because he's the oldest! Comparatively that is! Otherwise, 29 is also a jealousy instigating number!American Idol(latest season) gets a 5 out of 10 from me.p.s. 1 full point is for the host Ryan Seacrest and about half a point for his signature "THIS....................is American Idol"

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